In the world of B2B companies, the power of webinars to generate leads is undeniable.
Back in 2022, a whopping 57% of B2B event marketers declared webinars as their preferred format for lead generation.
But hold on – there's a catch.
These same marketers raised concerns about a growing trend: attendees are losing interest in traditional one-way monologue style webinars.
Is it really that surprising? Think about it – with attention spans dwindling, people now prefer bite-sized content. And in a sea of webinars, why would your target audience choose yours if it sounds like just another run-of-the-mill option?
So what’s the secret to running webinars that are relevant to today’s buyers?
Here are 3 killer tips shared by Aarthisri Srinivasan, Events Marketing at Sprinto HQ.
Tip 1: Keep webinars short, tactical and focused

When we asked Aarthisri what Sprinto has learnt from experimenting with webinars and finding success, one key takeaway that she shared was that an event marketer needs to think of a webinar as if it’s competing with a TV show.
Which means, its duration cannot be longer than a typical 30-minute show. Not just this, Aarthisri also suggests keeping the session super-focused.
“We take one tactical problem - attack it properly - with four questions.” she says.
Tip 2: Plan your webinars a quarter in advance

Why? Because this is the sweet spot that ensures your planning is not too dated, yet it gives you enough lead time to get your ducks in a row.
“We do it quarterly just so that our planning isn’t too dated to adapt any feedback, but just enough to get the right speakers and plan out the email campaigns.” states Aarthisri.
Tip 3: Pick topics your customers WANT to hear

When it comes to webinars, a unique topic of actionable value is critical to event success. In a sea of clutter, attendees will only notice your webinar if there’s something compelling enough for them to spend their time on.
Aarthi’s approach to finding topics that work is split into 3 tactics.
“I look at like all of these industry, credible sources, communities, recognized communities which security leaders look at.
#2 - Existing customers: Analyze the calls that they have with the CX team. See what exact problem that they are having.
#3 - Analyzing peer content - see competitors.”
Hope you found these 3 quick tips helpful! You can watch our whole conversation with Aarthisri in this link.