In-Person Events

In-Person Events
In-Person Events
User Conferences

5 ways event marketers are making B2B events more inclusive and accessible

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Kishore C S

Expert strategies for making B2B events inclusive and accessible, with actionable steps for communication, venue selection, engagement technologies, and post-event accessibility.

In early 2024, we gathered insights from seasoned event marketers on making B2B events more inclusive and accessible. Here are their top strategies, packed with actionable steps that you can apply directly to enhance your next event.

Ensure comprehensive accessible communications

  1. Create materials in multiple formats: Prioritize the production of digital content that is screen-reader friendly and physical materials in braille or large print.
  2. Implement real-time translation and captioning: Utilize services that offer real-time captioning and language translation to cater to attendees with hearing impairments and non-native speakers.

Select fully accessible venues

  1. Venue checklist: Always use a venue checklist that includes automatic doors, ramps, accessible toilets, and clear signage. Confirm these features during your site visits to ensure they meet or exceed ADA standards.

Utilize interactive technologies for engagement

  1. Incorporate engagement tools: Leverage technologies like live Q&A tools, polling, and chatbots that are accessible to ensure all attendees can participate actively regardless of physical or sensory limitations.

Post-event accessibility

  1. Distribute accessible post-event resources: Offer event recordings with captions and audio descriptions. Ensure all post-event communications are accessible and provide summaries in various formats.
  2. Collect inclusive feedback: Use accessible surveys and feedback tools to gather insights on how to improve inclusivity and accessibility at future events.

Promote and communicate accessibility features

  1. Clear information on accessibility features: Well before the event, inform potential attendees about the accessibility measures in place through your event’s website, emails, and social media. This transparency helps those with specific needs plan their participation.

Championing inclusivity and accessibility

By implementing these strategies, you show a genuine commitment to inclusivity, enhancing the overall experience and ensuring everyone feels valued and welcome. Start adopting these practices now to enrich your events, foster meaningful connections, and set a new standard of excellence within the industry.

In-Person Events

4 insider tips to improve capacity management for events

Mins Read
Zuddl Staff

Proactive capacity management is key for keeping event guests safe and giving them the best experience possible. Learn top tips for improving your approach.

Here's the scenario - Your team is running a large event in a new location, and 400 people have registered to attend. An hour into the event, you realize that 150 more guests than expected have arrived, and you simply don’t have room for everyone who showed up. What do you do?

The answer (both to prevent this problem and solve it if it occurs) is capacity management. Capacity management involves monitoring and managing the number of people inside your event space to maintain safety, accessibility, and logistical requirements. It’s a crucial task not only for compliance, but also to provide guests with a positive event experience.

However, capacity management can be challenging, especially for large conferences and in-person events that have historically been virtual or hybrid. To help you prepare to manage crowds and stay up to code at your next major event, we’ve compiled some of the best insider tips for effective capacity management. Let’s dive in!

1. Evaluate your venue space early

As soon as you choose a venue for your in-person event (or even before you decide, if possible), take time to evaluate the space’s capacity and any potential safety hazards. To do so, take the following steps:

  1. Contact the owner of the venue to ask about the building’s safety regulations and fire codes, as well as the maximum capacity of the spaces you’ll be using. If your company or organization owns the building, brush up on its regulations.
  2. Conduct a personal walkthrough, noting any areas or rooms that are especially small or difficult to navigate. Consider the equipment and furnishings you’ll need for the event and how that will impact the venue’s capacity.
  3. Determine the maximum number of people who can safely attend your event at one point in time.

Then, go beyond regulations and think more deeply about the guest experience. How many people can this space comfortably contain? Will it be crowded? Will it be easy for guests to navigate, including those with disabilities? Based on these answers, adjust your event’s maximum number of attendees for the ideal guest experience. 

Even if you’ve used this venue for events in the past, don’t skip this step. Refresh your memory on the space’s regulations and complete a new walkthrough to check if anything about the venue has changed since your last event. Additionally, speak with past event staff and attendees about any capacity challenges the venue posed in the past and how they addressed them.

2. Invest in event management software

Event apps and platforms aren’t just for virtual events—the right tools can also boost efficiency, improve capacity management, and customize the guest experience for in-person events. For instance, certain software solutions enable you to:

  • Streamline registration. With custom online registration forms, you can easily limit the number of maximum attendees and get accurate guest headcounts prior to the event. Plus, control capacity by setting maximum sizes for group registrations.
  • Easily manage guest check-in. Allow guests to check in online or by scanning a mobile ticket to reduce crowded check-in lines and get accurate numbers of guests as they arrive. Then, use check-in data from your app to update headcounts in case group registrations weren’t accurate or some people couldn’t attend.
  • Communicate with guests and team members instantly. Make capacity-related announcements and alert guests of changes immediately via text message or push notifications.

To choose the best software for your event, take time to evaluate your event’s needs first. Then, research several platforms that meet those needs before choosing a few providers to schedule demos with. Come to these meetings prepared with questions about pricing, features, and customization options to help you make your decision.

Ultimately, the right event management tools will help you manage event capacity and engage attendees by providing them with a streamlined, one-of-a-kind event experience.

3. Use timed-entry tickets

Event organizers can learn a lot from admissions-based organizations that deal with capacity management as part of their day-to-day operations. For instance, many museums use museum management software with timed-entry ticketing systems to help them space out visitors and confidently manage numbers throughout the day. 

Here is how timed-entry tickets work to streamline capacity management and make events safer for guests:

  • Instead of purchasing a generic admissions ticket, guests choose a time or time frame to arrive for the event when they register.
  • Organizers limit the number of guests who can arrive during each time frame to stagger attendance and manage guest capacity.
  • Using the designated timeframes, organizers can easily check who is inside the building at any given time to monitor capacity levels.

Timed-entry tickets can also make your event more inclusive by cutting down the size of crowds, making it easier for those with physical disabilities or sensory needs to participate in and enjoy your event. While this method may not work for all events, it can help you reduce crowding for large, multi-day events like conferences.

4. Train your event staff to monitor and manage crowds

Whether your event team is made up of experienced staff or first-time volunteers, it’s important to train them on capacity management best practices and remind them why it’s essential for a successful event. 

Provide basic training for all team members about how to monitor crowds and deal with them should they get too large. Create contingency plans and protocols for what event staff should do if you exceed venue capacity or guests react negatively to capacity restrictions. For example, you might ask staff members to immediately alert a certain person about the problem and temporarily stop admitting guests until the issue is resolved.

Additionally, consider designating a few team members to lead your capacity management efforts and keep a close eye on capacity levels throughout the event space. Ideally, these staff members should be well-versed in event management and your venue’s capacity requirements.

Proactive capacity management isn’t just about ensuring the safety of your guests and event staff. It’s also about creating an environment where attendees can comfortably enjoy and get the most out of your events, prompting them to spread the word and attend your events again and again. By following these tips, you’ll be able to keep your in-person guests safe, comfortable, and engaged.

In-Person Events
Event Marketing

Instant engagement: How mobile devices can transform events

Mins Read
Zuddl Staff

Explore the transformative power of mobile apps in event marketing, from boosting attendee participation to offering unparalleled convenience,

In today’s technology-run world, it's hard to imagine a day without our mobile devices. From checking emails to managing daily tasks, we rely on our phones and tablets for almost everything. But did you know that they can also transform the way we experience events? 

With this growing dependence on technology, event marketers are now embracing the use of mobile devices to enhance engagement and create a more interactive experience for attendees. Not only do they provide attendees with convenience and accessibility, but they also have the power to encourage audience participation. Let’s explore the various ways in which mobile devices can revamp your events and ultimately lead to greater success.

Engage guests from the palm of their hand

Most individuals have their smartphones on them at all times, and this is no different in the event space. It’s not uncommon to see event guests paying more attention to their phones than the announcements being made. Think about it - how many times have you attended an event and found yourself scrolling through your phone? 

This is where incorporating mobile apps into an event can be highly valuable. With a mobile app, all the necessary information is easily accessible in one place, eliminating the need for constant device-switching or flipping through physical materials. Instead of having to rely on laptops, attendees can simply pull out their phones and stay plugged into the event. 

Plus, text or push notifications allow organizers to share updates and reminders directly to attendees' phones. This not only keeps them informed but can also re-engage them if they get distracted. 

Many mobile apps made for events have a plethora of features, including:

  • In-app ticket purchasing 
  • Interactive event schedule
  • Personalized itinerary with reminders
  • Virtual event map
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Real-time push notifications for updates
  • Gamification (challenges, polls, trivia, leaderboards)
  • Networking feature 
  • Social media integration 
  • Virtual swag bag with exclusive deals from event sponsors
  • Shared photo gallery
  • Feedback system

This list is not exhaustive at all. There are endless ways that you can enhance your guests’ experience with mobile apps. However, it’s best to choose one application and stick with it. You don’t want to be managing multiple apps and neither do your guests! 

Simplify participation

Mobile devices have revolutionized the way guests participate in events. Let’s dive into some of the most useful features that help streamline the event planning process and make things a whole lot more pleasant for your guests.

Checking in with mobile apps

With the use of mobile apps and technology, checking in to an event can be a hassle-free process. Guests can simply download the app, register, and receive their digital ticket for entry. Make sure that your pre-event communication provides effective instructions and reminders for guests so they can check in with ease.

There will always be folks who don’t make use of the early check-in process, and that’s okay! Have some staff trained and available to help those who aren’t as proactive or tech-savvy. Giving mobile check-in as an option will still eliminate long lines and paper tickets, making the check-in process much quicker and more efficient. 

Accessing schedules and event maps with mobile apps

By having their schedules readily available on their phones, guests can easily plan out their day and navigate through the event without any confusion. Some apps can even save certain events to a favorites list, which is helpful for larger events with multiple activities and sessions taking place simultaneously. It can also be an easy conversation starter between attendees: “What do you have on your favorites?” 

Additionally, most event attendees will be unfamiliar with your venue. Google Maps is usually unhelpful in this realm, as you’ll be dealing with conference rooms or halls. With event maps on their phones, guests won’t be fumbling around. 

Participation through mobile apps

Mobile events allow guests to actively participate in various activities through their phones. Whether it's a live poll or an interactive game, guests can engage with the content of the event in real time using their mobile devices. This enhances their overall experience and encourages active participation.

For those events that incorporate fundraising activities like silent auctions, there are apps that facilitate the bidding process, too. Grant access to people who are not physically present so they can bid on items, and let in-person guests bid with a single tap! 

Connecting and networking through mobile apps

Chat and networking features allow guests to foster a sense of community and meaningful connections beyond just attending the event. You can even encourage folks to connect before the event. Some applications ask attendees about interests to connect like-minded individuals. 

Events that leverage mobile applications have made it incredibly convenient for event marketers and attendees alike. They take a huge mental load off of guests’ plates, which not only enhances the overall experience for attendees but also adds value to the event itself. 

Appeal to both in-person and virtual attendees

Let’s face it – events haven’t been the same since COVID. Hybrid and virtual events are here to stay, and that’s not a bad thing! We now have the technology to allow for more attendees. In the old days, if people couldn’t be present for it, they just completely missed out. Now, they can still be a part of the event virtually! 

One of the biggest advantages of using mobile devices for events is the ability to turn any event into a hybrid one. Mobile devices make it possible for virtual attendees to feel like they are actually present at the event, making events more accessible and inclusive for all participants.

Make reporting easier

One of the key features that sets mobile apps apart from traditional methods of event management is their built-in reporting capabilities. Organizers can access valuable insights from their events, making the post-event analysis process much more efficient. These reporting features provide event hosts with a gold mine of information that no manual process can do, including identifying successes and areas of improvement. This allows them to make informed decisions when planning future events and tailor the experience to better meet the needs of their attendees.

Some examples of data points that event hosts may want to track include:

  • Attendance numbers
  • Participation rates for certain activities or workshops
  • Fundraising dollars raised from mobile devices
  • Feedback ratings provided by attendees

This data also enables organizers to connect with attendees more personally after the event. Event hosts can follow up with personalized emails or targeted advertisements that cater to the interests of each attendee. This not only helps to foster a stronger relationship with attendees but also increases the likelihood of them attending future events.

It’s safe to say that mobile devices have become an essential tool for both event organizers and guests. With the convenience of having everything at our fingertips, we can enhance our event experience in ways we never could before and help guests get the most out of the event. Next time you host an event, remember that things don’t have to be complicated, disconnected, or so manual – we have the technology!


In-Person Events
Event Marketing

Access and inclusivity: Inside the event marketers' strategy for 2024

Mins Read
Kishore C S

Discover how you can make your events more inclusive and accessible in 2024, from adaptive registration processes to selecting diverse, accommodating venues.

How are event marketers reimagining accessibility and inclusivity for 2024? 

Our recent survey revealed that 59.6% of event marketers are prioritizing these aspects.

This change is not just about compliance; it's a deep-seated commitment to inclusivity, reflecting a genuine concern for every attendee's experience. 

Today, we’ll look into some of the strategies shared by event marketers.

Comprehensive accessibility planning

Event marketers are adopting a multifaceted approach to understand and cater to diverse attendee needs. This involves recognizing a spectrum of disabilities and tailoring events to accommodate various needs, such as mobility, visual, hearing, cognitive, and neurodivergent conditions. Strategies extend beyond physical accommodations to include virtual and hybrid event formats, closed captioning, sign language interpreters, and mindful gifting. Marketers are also focusing on multiple language offerings, increased website accessibility, and promoting women in leadership and sustainable businesses to cater to a broader audience.

Registration and on-site experience

The registration process has evolved into a critical touchpoint for inclusivity. Detailed questions about attendees' needs are now standard, setting an inclusive tone from the start. Onsite, ensuring wheelchair accessibility, providing quiet rooms, and accommodating service animals are essential. Event marketers are also adopting flexible scheduling and hosting events at times ideal for various time zones, ensuring diverse speaker lineups, and choosing venues accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Diverse and inclusive attendee representation

Diversity in attendee lists is now a deliberate strategy. Ensuring representation across various demographics is becoming a norm. Engaging with diverse communities, checking for unintended bias in invites, speakers, and hosts, and intentional speaker selection are part of this inclusive approach. Event marketers are utilizing diverse networks and promoting small customer businesses and sustainable businesses as key strategies.

Welcoming environment and communication

Creating a welcoming environment goes beyond logistics. It's about fostering a sense of belonging through networking opportunities for underrepresented groups and implementing clear Codes of Conduct. Simple, clear language in signage and materials, along with staff training on respectful interaction, are vital. Many marketers are working with advocates to ensure accommodations for mental and physical needs and conducting training sessions on inclusivity for organizers and staff.

Venue and technology considerations

Choosing the right venue is critical for accessibility. Venues with accessible features and navigable spaces for all attendees are preferred. Utilizing assistive technology like screen readers and ensuring compatibility with various tools is essential. Designing event websites and materials on platforms that meet accessibility guidelines supports attendees with visual impairments or color vision deficiency.

The integration of inclusivity and accessibility into B2B events is a response to a growing demand for empathetic and responsive events. This approach enriches the event experience for everyone and contributes to a more inclusive and accessible business world.

In-Person Events
User Conferences

5 activation ideas for your in-person conference

Mins Read
Pavi Sagar

Ideas for conference activations that you can steal for your next event.

How do you plan a conference that’s so extraordinary that attendees are still raving about it months after it’s over? 

It’s a confluence of factors, to be sure; engaging and relevant content, dynamic speakers, interactive sessions, and networking activities all play essential parts in making a conference impactful. But these are now baseline expectations. Without them, your conference might indeed become a topic of conversation, but for all the wrong reasons.

We're emphasizing that while you must get all the fundamentals right, that might not be enough to make your conference stand out. 

You need something extra - an X factor - to elevate the conference experience from meh to memorable (and drive traffic to strategic areas in the venue, of course). “We try to build in moments of childlike joy into real-life experiences.. says Lauren Olerich, Sr. Director of Events at Gainsight in our webinar. “At [Pulse - Gainsight's annual conference), we have had people dressed up as superheroes who walk around the conference; we’ve hired a Taylor Swift impersonator to sing and serenade and walk around on stage; and we had a ferris wheel in 2018."

And that’s where activations come in.

A is for activations

What are activations? A quick refresher. 

Activations are engaging experiences that encourage attendees to participate in the conference - beyond the sessions, panels, and workshops, and which leave a lasting impression on attendees.

They can take many forms, such as interactive exhibits, experiential installations, workshops, games, live performances, etc. Organizers can use activations to meet strategic goals, such as driving traffic to the sponsors' area in the venue or driving awareness around a concept, product, or service.

Here's what Lauren recommends keeping in mind when planning your activations:

(1) Experiences for attendee to self-explore in their own time: If you think about the footprint of your event, [you can put activations on different zones and floors]. You can put activations throughout the Expo Hall or the hallways as people are starting to walk to different breakout rooms.

(2) Encourage attendees to seek out the activations: You can encourage people through push notifications to find the activations. And you can gamify [it] by giving people points if they scan [the event app] at certain activations to encourage them to experience these things.

5 activation ideas that we loved

Idea 1: An interactive installation

What is it: A real-time, interactive artistic display that is built by attendee submissions

Why it’s a great idea: Conferences often focus on knowledge sharing and professional development, but incorporating live art serves as a creative counterbalance, stimulating senses and imagination and providing a unique way to express ideas and narratives.

A real-life example: The Brightline Initiative, in collaboration with Domestic Data Streamers, had a participatory art installation at their 2019 conference. Attendees were asked to write down their thoughts about speakers, sessions, and conference content on transparent tiles with permanent marker, creating a visually engaging and interactive experience that allowed participants to contribute to the event's narrative actively.

Images credit: Domestic Data Streamers

We love this idea.

Another example: At the TED Bigger Than Us Exhibit, attendees were invited to write an idea worth spreading on a piece of paper. They were then photographed holding it and their photo was added to a gallery. This activation engaged attendees in the core mission of TED, allowing them to actively participate in sharing and promoting their own innovative ideas, while also fostering a sense of inclusion and community.

Image Credit: Bizbash

A fantastic embodiment of the theme of the conference.

Idea 2: Puppies at the conference

What is it: Quite simply - puppies at the conference!

Why it’s a great idea: Incorporating puppies into a conference provides a delightful and unexpected element that can reduce stress, boost mood, and encourage social interaction among attendees. It adds a unique and memorable touch to the event, as it's not something commonly associated with conferences.

Image credit: PuppyLove

A real-life example: At Quantum Metric’s user conference, the team set up a puppy adoption center in the sponsor area. Attendees were thrilled to encounter adorable puppies, which not only attracted significant traffic to the sponsor area but also ended up with two dog adoptions.

Honestly, if you had this activation at your conference, you'd have trouble getting us to leave.

Idea 3: Smoothie bikes

What is it: Smoothie bikes let attendees select their preferred flavors and then pedal to blend them into their own custom fruit smoothie or signature cocktail, which they can take with them.

Why it’s a great idea: People love an activity, and people also love free food and drinks. Smoothie bikes cleverly combine both by offering a hands-on and fun experience that you definitely don’t expect at a conference and a yummy payoff.

A real-life example: HP set up smoothie bikes at Curry’s Peak Conference, as it perfectly exemplified HP sustainability, but works well at just about any event organized by a company that cares about sustainability (because you produce your own electricity!).

Idea 4: AR scavenger hunt

What is it: VR/AR/AI adventures are usually immersive and interactive experiences that leverage virtual or augmented environments, often involving headsets or devices. An AR scavenger hunt is an interactive game or activity in which participants use AR technology, often via a mobile app, to locate and collect virtual items or complete challenges within a physical or digital environment. Like Pokemon Go.

Why it’s great at a conference: VR/AR/AI adds oomph to your event and lets attendees explore a concept related to your conference’s theme in an exciting and cutting-edge way. The scavenger hunt, in particular, is a creative and fun way to get attendees exploring the venue, and interacting with products, services, and sponsors, which promotes deeper engagement between participants and event stakeholders.

A real-life example: The AR scavenger hunt at the 2023 Advertising Week APAC conference was a big hit. Attendees were encouraged to explore Lunar Park - the conference venue - to find and collect rewards from sponsors throughout the park. Participants would be entered into a draw to win a major prize.

This is a smart way to employ gamification at the conference in a way that feels authentic and enjoyable to attendees, and helps you meet strategic event goals too.

Idea 5: Nostalgia arcade

What is it: An arcade of retro games designed to connect attendees with positive memories of the past.

Why it’s great at a conference: It adds a touch of fun and familiarity, making networking easier through shared memories, and conversations more enjoyable, and the event itself distinct and memorable.

A real-life example: AWS re: Invent in Las Vegas featured educational sessions, networking opportunities, as well as a variety of retro games, including a Giant Human Claw Machine in which attendees played the part of the Giant Claw. They were lifted into the air by the machine and lowered into a giant pit of untold treasures that were up for grabs.

There's no denying the power of a 90s throwback.

To sum up…

In the quest to make events truly memorable and strategically impactful, activations stand out as powerful tools.

But to make them truly effective, organizers need to carefully align the experiences with your company and event’s personality, goals, mission, and values, and with strategic objectives you’re trying to meet through them - for instance, driving footfall to sponsors.

So, be thoughtful, be strategic, but above all, be boldly unexpected.

In-Person Events
User Conferences

Here’s why 650+ attendees loved Partnership Leaders’ conference Catalyst 2023

Mins Read
Pavi Sagar

3 key reasons why Partnership Leaders' in-person conference 'Catalyst' was a big success this year.

There are conferences, and then there are conferences.
Partnership Leaders' Catalyst 2023 firmly establishes itself in a league of its own.

This annual conference serves as a catalyst for growth in the partnership and business development sector, with partnership professionals from around the globe coming together to discuss best practices, set industry standards, and elevate partnerships to new heights. This year, Catalyst 2023 was held in Denver. It was attended by 650+ professionals, all of whom left the event thoroughly impressed and inspired by the experience.

Catalyst attendees raved about the conference experience on LinkedIn

Here are 3 ways Partnership Leaders made this in-person conference an absolute hit among its members this year.

1) A frictionless check-in experience

At many in-person conferences, the check-in process can be tiresome, often involving long queues, manual badge searches, and frustrating delays. Attendees frequently spend valuable time waiting in a line or tutting internally at the sluggish pace of checking-in.

It can put a damper on the event itself.

But at Catalyst ‘23, attendees were able to check in and get their badges printed in less than 60 seconds. It was a smooth-as-butter process because:

  1. Attendees were emailed a QR code beforehand
  2. They scanned this code on iPads provided at the registration table in Denver
  3. The scan prompted a badge label to be printed automatically
  4. All that was left was to collect the badge and walk into the conference!
Attendees showed off their Catalyst check-in badges on LinkedIn

2) A conference app co-created by attendees

Conference apps, while intended to enhance the event experience, can often be bloated with unnecessary features and difficult to navigate. Attendees may struggle to find the information they need amidst a sea of overwhelming options, leading to frustration rather than convenience.

The Catalyst ‘23 app however was built with input from Partnership Leaders’ community members themselves, who logged in, tested things out and made suggestions. This sense of co-ownership resulted in 98% of Catalyst attendees downloading the conference app. 

“They used it to navigate the venue and add sessions to their schedule. They could receive real-time updates to the agenda, and it allowed them to see who else they could network with based on their goals and interests,” says Asher Mathew, CEO of Partnership Leaders. “It helped to personalize the conference experience for them and strengthened the sense of community, as we had all built it together.”

Catalyst attendees shared enthusiastic LinkedIn updates about the smooth networking experience

3) Easy ways for sponsors to connect with attendees + vice-versa

Navigating the conference landscape can be a double-edged sword for both sponsors and attendees. For sponsors, qualifying attendees amid the hustle and bustle of large events can be a daunting task. On the flip side, attendees often find themselves overwhelmed, struggling to keep track of the multitude of opportunities that come their way.

The Lead Retrieval app at Catalyst '23 served as a bridge, simplifying interactions between sponsors and attendees. Sponsors could quickly scan attendee QR codes for instant data capture and qualification using simple lead scoring, making follow-up with highly interested attendees easy. And for the attendees, the same QR scan meant that they could just focus on interacting with the sponsor without the burden of manual note-taking, knowing that they would be sent pertinent information after the conference.

Sponsors interacting with attendees at the conferenc

To sum up

The collaborative energy championed by Partnership Leaders paved the way for streamlined interactions and seamless data exchange that attendees wholeheartedly embraced at Catalyst '23, and set a new standard for in-person conferences. 

In-Person Events

Bonfire 2022 - A glimpse of the vibrant life at Zuddl

Mins Read
Kishore C S

Zuddl recently held the second edition of its annual offsite, Bonfire 2022. Here's a firsthand account of the experience plus some cool pictures from the event!

Earlier this month, Zuddl concluded the second edition of its annual company offsite event, Bonfire, and this time around, the team was much bigger, and so were the festivities!

For a remote workforce like ours, the annual offsite is a rare chance for each of us to get to know the people we’ve otherwise only interacted with virtually.

A four-day event, Bonfire 2022 had all the ingredients of a power-packed event, starting from leadership and strategy sessions to cultural activities, sports and a whole lot of surprises! Now, for someone like me who has been at Zuddl for about six months now, meeting my remote team (and the extended Zuddl family) in person was a very unique experience. 

Initially, I didn’t know how it would be; there was this slight anxiety, or curiosity rather, as to whether our smooth virtual relationship with each other would translate seamlessly when we all shared the same physical space and picked up on each other’s non-verbal cues. To my surprise, we seemed to hit it off as if we’ve known each other for years.

Once the event concluded,I thought about how that happened. What have we been doing right to see this beautiful outcome? And, what has been the company’s role in helping us achieve this.

Here's why I feel Bonfire 2022 was proof of a company that has managed to establish a healthy culture in this remote reality!

A sense of belonging

The first sign that you organically fit into a community is the fact that you don’t have to make a visible effort to fit in. This seemed to be the general vibe at Bonfire; a genuine ‘coming together’ of people rather than a forced one.

A self-driven team

Whatever session or activity that was handled by a particular team was done with a very authentic flair; there wasn’t an instance where it felt someone was compelled to take up a chunk of responsibility. That speaks volumes of how Zuddl, as a company, has built an environment that doesn’t introduce a sense of distance between different working elements of the company, or the classic ‘hierarchy’ if you will. 

Palpable trust

Let’s admit it, we’ve all been to many professional events or gatherings because we were told to be present - almost like the company in question was ‘taking attendance’. In this aspect, Bonfire 2022 was a breath of fresh air because at no point did anyone ever compel any of us to be present for a session or event; they trusted that we would show up on our own. It’s this element of trust that automatically builds a sense of ownership in an employee. I’ve always felt that when there’s a sense of freedom in the environment, it actually induces employees to respect and uphold the liberty harbored.

A joyful environment

Just like every place has a mood, every community does too. The one thing that struck me overall was that there was a shared experience of happiness when awards were announced and a collective sense of celebration when party time set in. Now, I may be more introverted than the normal individual, but I think even the most extroverted butterfly would agree that there are some crowds you click with, and some you don’t. 

Thankfully for us, we just clicked - and that’s what made Bonfire 2022 a memorable one!

Zuddl is a unified platform for events and webinars that helps event marketers plan and execute events that drive growth. The platform has clients across the globe, such as the United Nations, Kellogg’s, Microsoft, HSBC, VMware, Google, StackCommerce and Cipla amongst others. In January 2022, Zuddl announced that it closed $13.35 mn in Series A funding.

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