What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Heading 3

Zuddl’s technology is game changing. I am very excited to join the team in this rapidly evolving space of hybrid events.

  1. sajdiopjaisjoidjdaosjnhdojaiojsoajidoijaoisjoi
  2. hhuiuyhiuhiuhiuh

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Heading 3

Zuddl’s technology is ga`me changing. I am very excited to join the team in this rapidly evolving space of hybrid events.

  1. sajdiopjaisjoidjdaosjnhdojaiojsoajidoijaoisjoi
  2. hhuiuyhiuhiuhiuh

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • Bullet list format
  • Bullet list format
  • Bullet list format

link setting

heading 3

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

This is heading 2


Heading 5

Heading 3 A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection

  1. ordered list
  2. ordered list
Bharath Varma, CTO, Zuddl
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content













<h2-blue>What’s a Rich Text element?<h2-blue>

H3 heading

H4 heading

h1 heading


What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

this is a quote that im trying to fix
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

this is a quote that im trying to fix
  • safafffffffffffffsaaaaaaaa
  • asdsadfsa
  • asfafadsadfsaf

[.e-stat-flex][.e-stat-img][.e-stat-img][.e-stat-text-block][.e-stat-number]51%[.e-stat-number][.e-stat-heading]of B2B marketers use 4-5 tools for video production[.e-stat-heading][.e-stat-text]While on-brand experiences and high-quality video production were among the top 3 benefits that marketers looked for in an event platform, the one decisive element was a platform’s ability to configure real-time notifications in[.e-stat-text] [.e-stat-text-block][.e-stat-flex]

Challenges of sales and marketing collaboration at B2B events

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-icon-check-circle][.e-column-icon-check-circle][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Aligning goals and objectives[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading]Without a clear understanding of what each team is trying to achieve, it can be difficult to create a cohesive strategy and maximize the ROI of events. While marketing focuses on demand generation, brand awareness and sales enablement, sales has its focus on closing deals. Hence, finding common ground to measure can be a challenge. Another contributing factor is that both these teams are compensated differently - sales jobs are closely tied to variables, so they are likely to prioritize only the leads which have a higher chance of success, whereas for marketing, every lead is important. [.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column][.e-column-icon-message-circle][.e-column-icon-message-circle][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Lack of transparency and communication [.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading]Without clear visibility into each other’s processes, trust issues are likely to crop up between the two teams. This is further fueled by insufficient and ineffective communication about event messaging and follow-up activities that should occur after an event, leading to a disconnect between before-event and after-event communications, and eventually - missed opportunities.[.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-icon-clipboard][.e-column-icon-clipboard][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Measuring the success of an event[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading]When you use different tools for registration, lead management, and customer relationship management, you’ll need robust data integration and reporting capabilities - this can be difficult to implement in practice. Not just that; tracking the impact of events on the entire sales funnel can be complex, as there may be multiple touchpoints and interactions involved in a B2B buying decision.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column][.e-column-icon-star][.e-column-icon-star][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Buyer journey keeps evolving [.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading]B2B buyers are now more informed and selective. As a result, the focus has shifted from traditional sales pitches to creating personalized and meaningful experiences that educate and engage potential customers. This often involves a mix of touchpoints, with a greater emphasis on relationship-building and content-rich experiences - unfortunately, none of this is possible without sales being clued into attendee behavior across events and having the ability to reach out to prospects in real-time.[.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-icon-pie-chart][.e-column-icon-pie-chart][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Siloed data and insights[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading]When your event data is not plugged into the sales CRM tool, it has to be manually managed. Or even if it is plugged in, the data you get is not actionable - as the context is not imported. So sales has no idea about a lead's journey so far.This means any scope of personalized outreach becomes bleak, leaving your sales team with nothing more than
ho-hum outreach on the lines of “Hi, I noticed you attended this event”.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

How event tech influences collaboration

With virtual and hybrid events proving their long-term relevance, event technology continues to take centerstage. What this means is that the scope of sales-marketing collaboration depends on how much your event technology allows for it. 

Here are the possibilities when you use a collaboration-friendly platform to power your B2B events:

Democratized insights

Event technology that provides a centralized dashboard with real-time data and insights, accessible to all internal teams, can eliminate any need to manually go through data dumps, plus also eliminate any need for sales to follow up with marketing for insights, thereby allowing for better collaboration and decision-making. 

By providing a single source of truth for event data, internal teams can make informed decisions based on a shared understanding of event performance.

[.e-stat-flex][.e-stat-img-speech][.e-stat-img-speech][.e-stat-text-block][.e-stat-number]60%[.e-stat-number][.e-stat-heading]marketers’s current need is getting a detailed attendee timeline of their activity across events.[.e-stat-heading][.e-stat-text]Source: The Future of B2B events in 2023[.e-stat-text] [.e-stat-text-block][.e-stat-flex]

Interact better with the new-age B2B buyer

Today’s buyers don't like to be handheld - they want to experience your product firsthand. Hence, event marketers can skip the spray and pray approach and have segment specific events.

With the right event platform on your side, you can segment attendees based on their behavior and preferences, allowing for more targeted and personalized marketing and sales outreach.

Features such as real-time Slack alerts about registrations and attendance at B2B events can empower sales to interact with prospects in real-time

Improved scalability

We bet you haven’t met a single soul that thoroughly enjoys the joy-giving activity of following up on tasks.

Luckily, today’s event technology can automate many of the manual processes involved in organizing and executing a B2B event, such as lead tracking and follow-up, thereby freeing up sales and marketing teams to focus on higher-value activities and of course, making it easier to scale events and manage multiple events simultaneously.

[.e-stat-flex][.e-stat-img-pipeline][.e-stat-img-pipeline][.e-stat-text-block][.e-stat-number]58%[.e-stat-number][.e-stat-heading]of B2B marketers use pipeline generation to measure event success.[.e-stat-heading][.e-stat-text]Source: The Future of B2B events in 2023[.e-stat-text] [.e-stat-text-block][.e-stat-flex]

[.e-event-component-pink][.e-event-heading][.ebook-30px-pink]Before the event[.ebook-30px-pink][.e-event-heading][.e-event-column-flex][.e-event-column][.ebook-body-text]The first thing you’d want to do is to align sales in the event strategy phase itself. Asking the right questions in your before-event huddle is crucial:
•What metrics will determine the success of this event?
•What is your target number of high-intent leads that you hope to convert into closed sales during or after the event?
•What methods will you use to gauge your success in advancing deals?
•What kind of return on investment is being looked at?[.ebook-body-text][.e-event-column][.e-before-event-visual][.e-before-event-visual][.e-event-column-flex][.e-resources-cta][.ebook-24px]Step by step pre-event checklist[.ebook-24px][.text-button]Check out now[.text-button-icon][.text-button-icon][.text-button][.e-resources-cta][.e-event-component-pink]

[.e-event-component-blue][.e-event-heading][.ebook-30px-blue]During the event[.ebook-30px-blue][.e-event-heading][.e-event-column-flex][.e-event-column][.ebook-body-text]Once the event unfolds, the focus should be on gaining a detailed understanding of the behavior of your attendees during the event. This includes analyzing the specific questions they ask during sessions and their reactions to in-session polls.

With proper context to each attendee’s journey, sales can tailor relationship building efforts in a relevant manner. 

For example, you can provide top priority contacts with links to personal breakout rooms where you can respond to their questions and discuss their preferred topics.Take me to the complete during-event checklist[.ebook-body-text][.e-event-column][.e-during-event-visual][.e-during-event-visual][.e-event-column-flex][.e-resources-cta][.ebook-24px]Complete during-event checklist[.ebook-24px][.text-button]Check out now[.text-button-icon][.text-button-icon][.text-button][.e-resources-cta][.e-event-component-blue]

[.e-event-component-blue][.e-event-heading][.ebook-30px-blue]During the event[.ebook-30px-blue][.e-event-heading][.e-event-column-flex][.e-event-column][.ebook-body-text]Once the event unfolds, the focus should be on gaining a detailed understanding of the behavior of your attendees during the event. This includes analyzing the specific questions they ask during sessions and their reactions to in-session polls.

With proper context to each attendee’s journey, sales can tailor relationship building efforts in a relevant manner. 

For example, you can provide top priority contacts with links to personal breakout rooms where you can respond to their questions and discuss their preferred topics.Take me to the complete during-event checklist[.ebook-body-text][.e-event-column][.e-during-event-visual][.e-during-event-visual][.e-event-column-flex][.e-resources-cta][.ebook-24px]Complete during-event checklist[.ebook-24px][.text-button]Check out now[.text-button-icon][.text-button-icon][.text-button][.e-resources-cta][.e-event-component-blue]

[.e-event-component-green][.e-event-heading][.ebook-30px-green]After the event[.ebook-30px-green][.e-event-heading][.e-event-column-flex][.e-event-column][.ebook-body-text]The phrase ‘strike while the iron’s hot’ has never been more relevant to events! It’s crucial to follow-up with your prospects while the impact of the event is still in their minds; anything after this sweet spot is a shot in the dark!
When sales and marketing have a shared understanding of event performance, both teams can work together to prioritize leads and quickly follow up on the most promising opportunities.

Empowering sales with quick follow-up event content is key here, so plan your giveaways ahead of time, such as:[.ebook-body-text][.e-event-column][.e-after-event-visual][.e-after-event-visual][.e-event-column-flex][.e-resources-cta][.ebook-24px]Access the complete after-event checklist[.ebook-24px][.text-button]Check out now[.text-button-icon][.text-button-icon][.text-button][.e-resources-cta][.e-event-component-green]

By aligning their efforts, sales and marketing teams can not only bring better returns with every B2B event but also ensure that the messaging and positioning of your company is consistent, which is necessary to build trust and credibility with potential customers.


Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


Aligning goals and objectives

Without a clear understanding of what each team is trying to achieve, it can be difficult to create a cohesive strategy and maximize the ROI of events. While marketing focuses on demand generation, brand awareness and sales enablement, sales has its focus on closing deals. Hence, finding common ground to measure can be a challenge. 

Another contributing factor is that both these teams are compensated differently - sales jobs are closely tied to variables, so they are likely to prioritize only the leads which have a higher chance of success, whereas for marketing, every lead is important.

Lack of transparency and communication

Without clear visibility into each other’s processes, trust issues are likely to crop up between the two teams. This is further fueled by insufficient and ineffective communication about event messaging and follow-up activities that should occur after an event, leading to a disconnect between before-event and after-event communications, and eventually - missed opportunities. 

Measuring the success of an event

When you use different tools for registration, lead management, and customer relationship management, you’ll need robust data integration and reporting capabilities - this can be difficult to implement in practice. Not just that; tracking the impact of events on the entire sales funnel can be complex, as there may be multiple touchpoints and interactions involved in a B2B buying decision.

Buyer journey keeps evolving

B2B buyers are now more informed and selective. As a result, the focus has shifted from traditional sales pitches to creating personalized and meaningful experiences that educate and engage potential customers. This often involves a mix of touchpoints, with a greater emphasis on relationship-building and content-rich experiences - unfortunately, none of this is possible without sales being clued into attendee behavior across events and having the ability to reach out to prospects in real-time.

Siloed data and insights

When your event data is not plugged into the sales CRM tool, it has to be manually managed. Or even if it is plugged in, the data you get is not actionable - as the context is not imported. So sales has no idea about a lead's journey so far.This means any scope of personalized outreach becomes bleak, leaving your sales team with nothing more than
ho-hum outreach on the lines of “Hi, I noticed you attended this event”.

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-icon-check-circle][.e-column-icon-check-circle][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-H4]Aligning goals and objectives [.ebook-H4][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]Without a clear understanding of what each team is trying to achieve, it can be difficult to create a cohesive strategy and maximize the ROI of events. While marketing focuses on demand generation, brand awareness and sales enablement, sales has its focus on closing deals. Hence, finding common ground to measure can be a challenge. 
Another contributing factor is that both these teams are compensated differently - sales jobs are closely tied to variables, so they are likely to prioritize only the leads which have a higher chance of success, whereas for marketing, every lead is important. [.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column] [.e-column][.e-column-icon-message-circle][.e-column-icon-message-circle][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-H4]Lack of transparency and communication [.ebook-H4][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]Without clear visibility into each other’s processes, trust issues are likely to crop up between the two teams. This is further fueled by insufficient and ineffective communication about event messaging and follow-up activities that should occur after an event, leading to a disconnect between before-event and after-event communications, and eventually - missed opportunities. [.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

This is some text inside of a div block.
marketers’s current need is getting a detailed attendee timeline of their activity across events.
of B2B marketers use pipeline generation to measure event success
Before the event

The first thing you’d want to do is to align sales in the event strategy phase itself. Asking the right questions in your before-event huddle is crucial:

  • What metrics will determine the success of this event?
  • What is your target number of high-intent leads that you hope to convert into closed sales during or after the event?
  • What methods will you use to gauge your success in advancing deals?
  • What kind of return on investment is being looked at?
Step by step pre-event checklist
Check out now
This is some text inside of a div block.

[.e-event-component][.event-dots-pink][.event-dots-pink][.e-event-heading][.ebook-30px-pink]Before the event[.ebook-30px-pink][.e-event-heading][.e-event-column-flex][.e-event-column][.ebook-body-text]The first thing you’d want to do is to align sales in the event strategy phase itself. Asking the right questions in your before-event huddle is crucial:[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-event-list][.ebook-event-list-item]What metrics will determine the success of this event?[.ebook-event-list-item][.ebook-event-list-item]What is your target number of high-intent leads that you hope to convert into closed sales during or after the event?[.ebook-event-list-item][.ebook-event-list-item]What methods will you use to gauge your success in advancing deals?[.ebook-event-list-item][.ebook-event-list-item]What kind of return on investment is being looked at?[.ebook-event-list-item][.ebook-event-list][.e-event-column][.e-before-event-visual][.e-before-event-visual][.e-event-column-flex][.e-event-component]

[.e-resources-cta][.ebook-24px]Step by step pre-event checklist[.ebook-24px][.text-button]Check out now[.text-button-icon][.text-button-icon][.text-button][.e-resources-cta]

During the event

Once the event unfolds, the focus should be on gaining a detailed understanding of the behavior of your attendees during the event. This includes analyzing the specific questions they ask during sessions and their reactions to in-session polls.

With proper context to each attendee’s journey, sales can tailor relationship building efforts in a relevant manner. 

For example, you can provide top priority contacts with links to personal breakout rooms where you can respond to their questions and discuss their preferred topics.Take me to the complete during-event checklist

Complete during-event checklist Complete during-event checklistComplete during-event checklist
Check out now
After the event

The phrase ‘strike while the iron’s hot’ has never been more relevant to events! It’s crucial to follow-up with your prospects while the impact of the event is still in their minds; anything after this sweet spot is a shot in the dark!
When sales and marketing have a shared understanding of event performance, both teams can work together to prioritize leads and quickly follow up on the most promising opportunities.

Empowering sales with quick follow-up event content is key here, so plan your giveaways ahead of time, such as:

  • An email with the recording of your event + inviting feedback
  • A relevant ebook or report that your sales team can use to add more value to their outreach
Access the complete after-event checklist
Check out now

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

[.testimonial-ebook-purple][.ebook-testimonial-text][.h5-ebook-24px-p-600]The more specific the goals you have in mind when designing your swag kit, the better its effectiveness[.h5-ebook-24px-p-600][.ebook-testimonial-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-photo][.ebook-testimonial-profile-photo][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.b1-ebook-600-cb-500]Vishal Krishna[.b1-ebook-600-cb-500][.b3-400-cb-300]Designer, and swag-master in chief at Zuddl.[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.testimonial-ebook-purple]

[.ebook-grey-point-box][.e-stat-heading]For instance, ask yourselves:[.e-stat-heading][.ebook-grey-point-box-inner][.ebook-grey-point][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-body-text]Do you want your brand to drive immediate impact (give attendees something they can use or wear immediately at the conference) or more long-term (something that they can take back and use at the office everyday)?[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-grey-point]
[.ebook-grey-point][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-body-text]Do you want to be remembered for swag that is completely unique to that of everyone else, or just want to ensure that you’re able to hand something to visitors to your booth?[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-grey-point]
[.ebook-grey-point][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-body-text]Do you want to give away something to remember you by, or create an experience that keeps them at your booth longer (like a swag spin-the-wheel)?[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-grey-point]

[.ebook-purple-list-box][.e-stat-heading]Virtual merchandise comes with a lot of advantages:[.e-stat-heading][.ebook-purple-list-inner][.ebook-notepad-list][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.ebook-body-text]No logistical nightmares[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.B1-20px 2]It’s a data goldmine as you can easily track when attendees access the bag or used a gift in it such as gift coupons[.B1-20px 2][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.B1-20px 2]It’s more sustainable[.B1-20px 2][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.B1-20px 2]It lets you deliver a more personalized experience (see point 6 of this piece)[.B1-20px 2][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.B1-20px 2]You can be more creative with the types of gifts you can give. For example, you could give experiences around wellness (gift cards to yoga and fitness classes, discounts to gym memberships) or philanthropy (donations to a relevant charity).[.B1-20px 2][.ebook-notepad-list-item][.ebook-notepad-list][.ebook-purple-list-inner][.ebook-purple-list-box]

[.ebook-purple-list-box][.e-stat-heading]Virtual merchandise comes with a lot of advantages:[.e-stat-heading][.ebook-purple-list-inner][.ebook-notepad-list][.ebook-list-text]• No logistical nightmares[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• It’s a data goldmine as you can easily track when attendees access the bag or used a gift in it such as gift coupons[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• It’s more sustainable[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• It lets you deliver a more personalized experience (see point 6 of this piece)[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• You can be more creative with the types of gifts you can give. For example, you could give experiences around wellness (gift cards to yoga and fitness classes, discounts to gym memberships) or philanthropy (donations to a relevant charity).[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-notepad-list][.ebook-purple-list-inner][.ebook-purple-list-box]

  • Month 3: A larger virtual event featuring external thought leaders talking about the previous 2 topics

Heading 3


The more specific the goals you have in mind when designing your swag kit, the better its effectiveness
Vishal Krishna
Designer, and swag-master in chief at Zuddl.
Don’t hand out swag items for the heck of it. It has to add utility value to the receiver's life. Only that will make it memorable. Only exception to that is cheeky stickers. Everyone loves funny stickers which they can stick to their laptops. And They make a great conversation starter
Anand Jain
Co-founder + Product, CleverTap
Keep it practical when it comes to swag --choose something people actually want to use. The more useful or desirable an item is, the less you will be left with to ship back. Logistically speaking, aim to keep your giveaways lightweight and packable so it's easier on both you and the attendee to get them back home. Your storage closet and wallet will thank you
Ashley Mauras
Experience Marketing Leader, Quantum Metrics
In my experience, the best way to approach selecting SWAG is to tie the item you’re giving away into your messaging. Don’t just pick something you think is cool. Make it memorable by linking the item to the thing you most want the recipient to remember. Some of my favorite SWAG campaigns over the years have involved things like giving a custom branded Louisville Slugger bat to a new customer with messaging around ‘Welcome to the team - we’re excited to go to bat for you.’
Kathleen Booth
SVP Marketing and Member Experience, Pavilion
You can’t just think of anything, stamp your logo on it and then call it a day. “Ideally, you want the gifts you’re giving attendees to add some value to their lives, or have a strong cultural appeal that they will be proud to showcase.
Vishal Krishna
Designer, and swag-master in chief at Zuddl.

[.testimonial-ebook.bg-purple][.ebook-testimonial-text][.H5-24px .600 .p-600]The more specific the goals you have in mind when designing your swag kit, the better its effectiveness[.H5-24px .600 .p-600][.ebook-testimonial-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-photo][.ebook-testimonial-profile-photo][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.testimonial-ebook.bg-purple]

Don't go for large items.

warns Vishal Krishna, Designer at Zuddl

[.ebook-callout-text-outer][.ebook-callout-text]The answers to these questions will help you shape your swag kit items.[.ebook-callout-text][.ebook-callout-text-outer]

[.ebook-30px-pink]Utility, durability and/or beauty[.ebook-30px-pink]

[.ebook-grey-point-box][.e-stat-heading]For instance, ask yourselves:[.e-stat-heading][.ebook-grey-point-box-inner][.ebook-grey-point][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-body-text]Do you want your brand to drive immediate impact (give attendees something they can use or wear immediately at the conference) or more long-term (something that they can take back and use at the office everyday)?[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-grey-point]
[.ebook-grey-point][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-body-text]Do you want to be remembered for swag that is completely unique to that of everyone else, or just want to ensure that you’re able to hand something to visitors to your booth?[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-grey-point]
[.ebook-grey-point][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-green-tick][.ebook-body-text]Do you want to give away something to remember you by, or create an experience that keeps them at your booth longer (like a swag spin-the-wheel)?[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-grey-point]

[.ebook-protip-callout][.ebook-protip-icon][.ebook-protip-icon][.ebook-protip-text-wrapper][.b1-ebook-600-cb-500]Pro Tip[.b1-ebook-600-cb-500][.ebook-body-text]Attendees are bound to pick up and use items that are practical, and relevant to the conference location. For instance, if it’s a winter conference, some warm scarves would be a nice touch, or sunscreen or flip flops at a summer conference.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-protip-text-wrapper][.ebook-protip-callout]

For instance, ask yourselves:
Do you want your brand to drive immediate impact (give attendees something they can use or wear immediately at the conference) or more long-term (something that they can take back and use at the office everyday)?
Do you want to be remembered for swag that is completely unique to that of everyone else, or just want to ensure that you’re able to hand something to visitors to your booth?
Do you want to give away something to remember you by, or create an experience that keeps them at your booth longer (like a swag spin-the-wheel)?
Pro Tip
Attendees are bound to pick up and use items that are practical, and relevant to the conference location. For instance, if it’s a winter conference, some warm scarves would be a nice touch, or sunscreen or flip flops at a summer conference.
Virtual merchandise comes with a lot of advantages:
• No logistical nightmares
• It’s a data goldmine as you can easily track when attendees access the bag or used a gift in it such as gift coupons

[.ebook-purple-list-box][..ebook-list-heading-wrapper][.e-stat-heading]Virtual merchandise comes with a lot of advantages:[.e-stat-heading][.ebook-list-box-image][.ebook-list-box-image][.ebook-list-heading-wrapper][.ebook-purple-list-inner][.ebook-notepad-list][.ebook-list-text]• No logistical nightmares[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• It’s a data goldmine as you can easily track when attendees access the bag or used a gift in it such as gift coupons[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• It’s more sustainable[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• It lets you deliver a more personalized experience (see point 6 of this piece)[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-list-text]• You can be more creative with the types of gifts you can give. For example, you could give experiences around wellness (gift cards to yoga and fitness classes, discounts to gym memberships) or philanthropy (donations to a relevant charity).[.ebook-list-text][.ebook-notepad-list][.ebook-purple-list-inner][.ebook-purple-list-box]

Let attendees build their own kit:

Offering attendees the opportunity to personalize their swag kit can result in big dividends. For example, Postal’s Field Marketing team created branded t-shirt shaped cards that had a QR code on them. When scanned, attendees could access a collection of items that could be customized, such as a tote bag or t-shirt, and which would be sent directly to their addresses.

Personalize it for them

Use registration forms creatively, and insert a few leading questions to help you identify what branded products the attendee will most likely use and benefit from. 

It was a genius tactic, because it recreates the same thrill of opening a gift on Christmas morning, or opening a parcel from Amazon. Something attendees won’t forget.

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Let attendees build their own kit:[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]Offering attendees the opportunity to personalize their swag kit can result in big dividends. For example, Postal’s Field Marketing team created branded t-shirt shaped cards that had a QR code on them. When scanned, attendees could access a collection of items that could be customized, such as a tote bag or t-shirt, and which would be sent directly to their addresses.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.swag-ebook-tweet-flex][.swag-ebook-tweet-flex][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Personalize it for them[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]Use registration forms creatively, and insert a few leading questions to help you identify what branded products the attendee will most likely use and benefit from.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.ebook-body-text]It was a genius tactic, because it recreates the same thrill of opening a gift on Christmas morning, or opening a parcel from Amazon. Something attendees won’t forget.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.swag-ebook-illustration-girl][.swag-ebook-illustration-girl][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Issues with fit[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]Today, there’s no one-size-fits-all. If your carefully ordered t-shirts arrive and you find that they don’t fit recipients the way you thought it might, it’s a waste of time, money and effort. A promotional t-shirt that doesn’t get worn isn’t really promoting anything.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-24px]Ordering the right number of sizes is tricky[.ebook-24px][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]You might assume that you can just order the same number of small, medium and large sizes but this can cause issues. You might quickly run out of popular sizes, which would mean that some attendees would have to pick from sizes that don’t fit, or don’t receive a t-shirt at all. Or you could be left with a large number of leftover sizes.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-30px-blue]Be a careful Buyer[.ebook-30px-blue][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]While it’s important that you don’t skimp on quality, it’s also essential that you shop around for the best deal. The last thing you want to do is settle for a vendor that doesn’t have your brand color, or won’t send you samples before you make a bulk purchase. Resources: Use our swag vendor evaluation checklist to make the right choice.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.swag-ebook-girl-3][.swag-ebook-girl-3][.e-column-flex-row]

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-30px-blue]Be a careful Buyer[.ebook-30px-blue][.e-column-heading][][.e-column-text][.e-column].e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-30px-blue]Be a careful Buyer[.ebook-30px-blue][.e-column-heading][.ebook-body-text]While it’s important that you don’t skimp on quality, it’s also essential that you shop around for the best deal. The last thing you want to do is settle for a vendor that doesn’t have your brand color, or won’t send you samples before you make a bulk purchase. Resources: Use our swag vendor evaluation checklist to make the right choice.[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column][.e-column-flex-row]

Be a careful Buyer

While it’s important that you don’t skimp on quality, it’s also essential that you shop around for the best deal. The last thing you want to do is settle for a vendor that doesn’t have your brand color, or won’t send you samples before you make a bulk purchase. Resources: Use our swag vendor evaluation checklist to make the right choice.

Be a careful Buyer

Now that you’ve got a better idea of what types of items you can put together for your swag kit, we’ll leave you with just a word of caution about what to get printed onto them. 

“Just stamping your logo onto products won’t do”, says Vishal. “People don’t want to be walking billboards, and they won’t wear products with logos unless the brand is aspirational or a luxury brand. So therefore, you need to incorporate a lifestyle element into your design, or make it relatable in some way, like using a pop-culture reference.”

[.e-column-flex-row][.e-column][.e-column-text][.e-column-heading][.ebook-30px-blue]Be a careful Buyer[.ebook-30px-blue][.e-column-heading][.e-column-text][.swag-ebook-girl-4][.swag-ebook-girl-4][.e-column][.e-column-text][.ebook-space-40px][.ebook-space-40px][.ebook-body-text]Now that you’ve got a better idea of what types of items you can put together for your swag kit, we’ll leave you with just a word of caution about what to get printed onto them. 

“Just stamping your logo onto products won’t do”
, says Vishal. “People don’t want to be walking billboards, and they won’t wear products with logos unless the brand is aspirational or a luxury brand. So therefore, you need to incorporate a lifestyle element into your design, or make it relatable in some way, like using a pop-culture reference.”[.ebook-body-text][.e-column-text][.e-column-flex-row]

[.ebook-highlight-box][.ebook-h4]Here’s a great example of a creative conference giveaway:[.ebook-h4][.b2-18px]When attendees at a Marketing profs event reached the venue, they received a swag bag filled with promotional information about exhibition booths in the hall.  

Directive Consulting, a B2B search marketing agency, used that opportunity in an extremely creative way. They gave attendees an exclusive key that could open a safe at their booth which had an  Apple Watch to be won. Naturally, this prompted attendees to go to the booth, resulting in way more traffic than if they had simply given away a brochure. [.b2-18px][.ebook-highlight-box]

[.ebook-resources-flex][.ebook-resources-text][.b3-16px-600-p500]Related Resource[.b3-16px-600-p500][.ebook-24px]Before-event marketing playbook![.ebook-24px][.ebook-body-text]It's packed with insights from industry experts, proven strategies, free checklists and more![.ebook-body-text][.p-btn][.button-text]Read it Now[.button-text][.ebook-btn-icon][.ebook-btn-icon][.p-btn][.ebook-resources-text][.ebook-resources-image-1][.ebook-resources-image-1][.ebook-resources-flex]

[.ebook-imex-wrapper][.ebook-imex-text-wapper][.ebook-H4]Zuddl at IMEX 2022[.ebook-H4][.B2-18px]Zuddl’s swag was such a big hit that people even posted pictures of it on social media and asked for more. Here’s a glimpse of what we created:[.B2-18px][.ebook-imex-text-wapper][.ebook-imex-image-wapper][.ebook-imex-img-1][.ebook-imex-img-1][.ebook-imex-img-2][.ebook-imex-img-2][.ebook-imex-flex][.ebook-imex-img-3][.ebook-imex-img-3][.ebook-imex-img-4][.ebook-imex-img-4][.ebook-imex-flex][.ebook-imex-image-wapper][.ebook-imex-wrapper]

Here’s a great example of a creative conference giveaway:

When attendees at a Marketing profs event reached the venue, they received a swag bag filled with promotional information about exhibition booths in the hall.  

Directive Consulting, a B2B search marketing agency, used that opportunity in an extremely creative way. They gave attendees an exclusive key that could open a safe at their booth which had an  Apple Watch to be won. Naturally, this prompted attendees to go to the booth, resulting in way more traffic than if they had simply given away a brochure. 

Related Resource
Before-event marketing playbook!
It's packed with insights from industry experts, proven strategies, free checklists and more!
Read it Now
Zuddl at IMEX 2022

Zuddl’s swag was such a big hit that people even posted pictures of it on social media and asked for more. Here’s a glimpse of what we created:

Kelsey Taylor
Senior Event Marketing Manager, Vanta

B2B buyers are now more informed and selective. As a result, the focus has shifted from traditional sales pitches to creating personalized and meaningful experiences that educate and engage potential customers. This often involves a mix of touchpoints, with a greater emphasis on relationship-building and content-rich experiences - unfortunately, none of this is possible without sales being clued into attendee behavior across events and having the ability to reach out to prospects in real-time.

Asher Mathew
Partnership Leaders, CEO and Co-Founder

B2B buyers are now more informed and selective. As a result, the focus has shifted from traditional sales pitches to creating personalized and meaningful experiences that educate and engage potential customers. This often involves a mix of touchpoints, with a greater emphasis on relationship-building and content-rich experiences - unfortunately, none of this is possible without sales being clued into attendee behavior across events and having the ability to reach out to prospects in real-time.

Varun Singh
Head of Marketing, Rocketlane

Varun heads marketing at Rocketlane, the # 1-rated customer onboarding software. As the first marketing hire, Varun has been instrumental in the 0-to-1 journey and currently drives top-of-the-funnel activities, including events and webinars, making maximum impact in a crowded market with limited, handful resources. 

Alex Temple
Senior Corporate Relations Manager, Explori

Alex works with corporate event leaders worldwide, helping them to harness their data to build a more robust and effective event measurement program that proves the impact of their events and helps drive strategic, insight-based, decision-making.

Ashley Mauras
Director of Experience Marketing, Quantum Metric

Ashley Mauras is a seasoned experience marketing leader with eleven years of industry experience in both B2B and B2C settings. Ashley is currently serving as the Director of Experience Marketing at Quantum Metric where she oversees the NAM regional field program, conferences, customer and growth advisory boards, and their global user conference, Quantum LEAP.

[.ebook-testi-2][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-24px]Featuring[.ebook-24px][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-ashley][.ebook-testimonial-profile-ashley][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.h4-ebook-p-400]Ashley Mauras[.h4-ebook-p-400][.b3-400-cb-300]Director of Experience Marketing, Quantum Metric[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-body-text]Ashley Mauras is a seasoned experience marketing leader with eleven years of industry experience in both B2B and B2C settings. Ashley is currently serving as the Director of Experience Marketing at Quantum Metric where she oversees the NAM regional field program, conferences, customer and growth advisory boards, and their global user conference, Quantum LEAP.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-testi-2]

[.ebook-testi-2][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-24px]Featuring[.ebook-24px][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-alex][.ebook-testimonial-profile-alex][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.h4-ebook-p-400]Alex Temple[.h4-ebook-p-400][.b3-400-cb-300]Senior Corporate Relations Manager, Explori[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-body-text]Alex works with corporate event leaders worldwide, helping them to harness their data to build a more robust and effective event measurement program that proves the impact of their events and helps drive strategic, insight-based, decision-making.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-testi-2]

[.ebook-testi-2][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-24px]Featuring[.ebook-24px][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-varun][.ebook-testimonial-profile-varun][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.h4-ebook-p-400]Varun Singh[.h4-ebook-p-400][.b3-400-cb-300]Head of Marketing, Rocketlane[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-body-text]Varun heads marketing at Rocketlane, the # 1-rated customer onboarding software. As the first marketing hire, Varun has been instrumental in the 0-to-1 journey and currently drives top-of-the-funnel activities, including events and webinars, making maximum impact in a crowded market with limited, handful resources.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-testi-2]

[.ebook-testi-2][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-24px]Featuring[.ebook-24px][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-kelsey][.ebook-testimonial-profile-kelsey][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.h4-ebook-p-400]Kelsey Taylor[.h4-ebook-p-400][.b3-400-cb-300]Senior Event Marketing Manager, Vanta[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-body-text]B2B buyers are now more informed and selective. As a result, the focus has shifted from traditional sales pitches to creating personalized and meaningful experiences that educate and engage potential customers. This often involves a mix of touchpoints, with a greater emphasis on relationship-building and content-rich experiences - unfortunately, none of this is possible without sales being clued into attendee behavior across events and having the ability to reach out to prospects in real-time.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-testi-2]

[.ebook-testi-2][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-24px]Featuring[.ebook-24px][.ebook-testi-2-heading][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-asher][.ebook-testimonial-profile-asher][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.h4-ebook-p-400]Asher Mathews[.h4-ebook-p-400][.b3-400-cb-300]Partnership Leaders, CEO and Co-Founder[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-body-text]Asher Mathew is a co-founder and the CEO of Partnership Leaders. He has worked in sales, marketing, customer success and business development/partnerships in venture and revenue (bootstrapped) businesses. His previous stops are Demandbase (via acquisition of Demandmatrix), LeanData (Raised Series C), Avalara (IPO) and Nodus Technologies (Acquired by EVO Payments).[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-testi-2-text][.ebook-testi-2]

Watch Webinar
Mapping events to your marketing funnel
How to choose the right event format
Watch Webinar
Engagement and the role of events
Learn the secret to fast growing communities.
Watch Webinar
Lessons from Rocketlane and Propel ‘23
Learn how to plan your conference right.
Watch Webinar
How to design feedback loops for B2B Marketing Events
Learn the art of feedback
Watch Webinar
How to manage internal stakeholders around events
Learn how you can engage, influence, and build your working relationships with them.

[.ebook-resources-flex][.ebook-resources-text][.b3-16px-600-p500]Watch Webinar[.b3-16px-600-p500][.ebook-24px]How to manage internal stakeholders around events[.ebook-24px][.ebook-body-text]Learn how you can engage, influence, and build your working relationships with them.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-resources-cta][.p-btn][.button-text]Watch Now[.button-text][.ebook-btn-icon][.ebook-btn-icon][.p-btn][.ebook-resources-cta][.ebook-resources-text][.ashley-webinar-ebook][.ashley-webinar-ebook][.ebook-resources-flex]

[.ebook-resources-flex][.ebook-resources-text][.b3-16px-600-p500]Watch Webinar[.b3-16px-600-p500][.ebook-24px]How to design feedback loops for B2B Marketing Events[.ebook-24px][.ebook-body-text]Learn the art of feedback[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-resources-cta][.p-btn][.button-text]Watch Now[.button-text][.ebook-btn-icon][.ebook-btn-icon][.p-btn][.ebook-resources-cta][.ebook-resources-text][.alex-webinar-ebook][.alex-webinar-ebook][.ebook-resources-flex]

[.ebook-resources-flex][.ebook-resources-text][.b3-16px-600-p500]Watch Webinar[.b3-16px-600-p500][.ebook-24px]Lessons from Rocketlane and Propel ‘23[.ebook-24px][.ebook-body-text]Learn how to plan your conference right.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-resources-cta][.p-btn][.button-text]Watch Now[.button-text][.ebook-btn-icon][.ebook-btn-icon][.p-btn][.ebook-resources-cta][.ebook-resources-text][.varun-webinar-ebook][.varun-webinar-ebook][.ebook-resources-flex]

[.ebook-resources-flex][.ebook-resources-text][.b3-16px-600-p500]Watch Webinar[.b3-16px-600-p500][.ebook-24px]Engagement and the role of events[.ebook-24px][.ebook-body-text]Learn the secret to fast growing communities.[.ebook-body-text][.ebook-resources-cta][.p-btn][.button-text]Watch Now[.button-text][.ebook-btn-icon][.ebook-btn-icon][.p-btn][.ebook-resources-cta][.ebook-resources-text][.asher-webinar-ebook][.asher-webinar-ebook][.ebook-resources-flex]


Everyone is more forthcoming nowadays about their experience hosting events. We are all willing to share tactics on what worked best and what mistakes to avoid making.
Vedha Sayyaparaju
Co-Founder and CTO, Zuddl

[.testimonial-ebook-purple][.ebook-testimonial-text][.h5-ebook-24px-p-600]Everyone is more forthcoming nowadays about their experience hosting events. We are all willing to share tactics on what worked best and what mistakes to avoid making.[.h5-ebook-24px-p-600][.ebook-testimonial-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.ebook-testimonial-profile-vedha][.ebook-testimonial-profile-vedha][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.b1-ebook-600-cb-500]Vedha Sayyaparaju[.b1-ebook-600-cb-500][.b3-400-cb-300]Co-Founder and CTO, Zuddl[.b3-400-cb-300][.ebook-testimonial-profile-text][.ebook-testimonial-profile][.testimonial-ebook-purple]

[.e-resources-cta][.ebook-24px]If you have any insights or tips that we can add to this community compendium. We’d love to build this together with you[.ebook-24px][.text-button]Write To Us[.text-button-icon][.text-button-icon][.text-button][.e-resources-cta]

If you have any insights or tips that we can add to this community compendium.
We’d love to build this together with you
Write To Us


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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Webinar goals[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon][.cs-objectives-icon][.cs-p2]Leverage clean, real-time event data to drive new pipeline[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon][.cs-objectives-icon][.cs-p2]Equip Sales with attendee/account-level insight for hyper- targeted outreach[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon][.cs-objectives-icon][.cs-p2]Speed up TAT of conference videos production for use in follow-ups[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Webinar goals[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-cloudsmith-1][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-cloudsmith-1][.cs-p2]Elevate the look and feel of Cloudsmith’s webinars[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-cloudsmith-2][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-cloudsmith-2][.cs-p2]Refine and optimize registration, turnout, and stickiness [.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-cloudsmith-3][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-cloudsmith-3][.cs-p2]Speed up TAT of conference videos production for use in follow-ups[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]

Brand Awarenes for Everafter
A vibrant, engaging, and informative conference experience for attendees
A smooth run of show for speakers
Lead generation and nurturing prospects

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Event goals[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter][.cs-p2]Brand Awarenes for Everafter[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter-2][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter-2][.cs-p2]A vibrant, engaging, and informative conference experience for attendees [.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter-3][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter-3][.cs-p2]A smooth run of show for speakers[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter-4][.cs-objectives-icon-green-everafter-4][.cs-p2]Lead generation and nurturing prospects[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]

A stress-free experience for organizers
An engaging experience for attendees
Developing muscle for lead generation

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Webinar program objectives[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-sprinto][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-sprinto][.cs-p2]A stress-free experience for organizers[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-sprinto-2][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-sprinto-2][.cs-p2]An engaging experience for attendees [.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-sprinto-3][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-sprinto-3][.cs-p2]Developing muscle for lead generation[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]

Providing a seamless and stress-free experience for audience and organizers alike
Delivering top-notch education and training proficiency for members
Facilitating business and job opportunities through networking
Enabling members to earn credits for their Certified Emergency Manager qualification.

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Event objectives[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem][.cs-p2]Providing a seamless and stress-free experience for audience and organizers alike[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem-2][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem-2][.cs-p2]Delivering top-notch education and training proficiency for members [.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem-3][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem-3][.cs-p2]Facilitating business and job opportunities through networking[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem-4][.cs-objectives-icon-blue-iaem-4][.cs-p2]Enabling members to earn credits for their Certified Emergency Manager qualification.[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]

Host four webinars every month 
Improve the attendee experience
Smooth and seamless data capture

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Event objectives[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-vwo][.cs-objectives-icon-green-vwo][.cs-p2]Host four webinars every month [.cs-p2][-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-vwo-2][.cs-objectives-icon-green-vwo-2][.cs-p2]Improve the attendee experience[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-green-vwo-3][.cs-objectives-icon-green-vwo-3][.cs-p2]Smooth and seamless data capture[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]

Keep Streetbees at the forefront of its audience's mind
Showcasing the depth and breadth of its analytics
Give the audience a chance to check out the platform

[.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper][.cs-36px]Event Goals[.cs-36px][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-bees][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-bees][.cs-p2]Keep Streetbees at the forefront of its audience's mind[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-bees-1][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-bees-1][.cs-p2]Showcasing the depth and breadth of its analytics[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objective][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-bees-2][.cs-objectives-icon-orange-bees-2][.cs-p2]Give the audience a chance to check out the platform[.cs-p2][.customer-stories-objective][.customer-stories-objectives-inner][.customer-stories-objectives-wrapper]